Forecasting and scheduling of electric vehicle charging



ChargeME™ is a software solution for forecasting and scheduling of electric vehicle charging. The solution enables the integration of power markets, local grid management and the charging of electric vehicles, such that charging costs are reduced and charging infrastructure can be better utilized.

Why do you need ChargeME™

Save investments

Unless managed, electric vehicles will start charging right away, when connected to the wall socket or charge spot. As this often coincides with peak power demand (late afternoons and mornings), this will put additional strain on the power system. This additional load can cause local grid congestions and cause additional peak power generation, which is both expensive and often also not very CO² friendly. As most charging can actually be deferred it is possible to save investments in local grid infrastructure as well as save electricity costs and CO² emissions at the same time.


ChargeME™ provides a forecasting engine which enables electricity traders to optimize their power purchase while still making sure that EV-drivers get their charging needs fulfilled.

Key benefits

  • Forecasting of electric vehicle charge demand for better planning and optimization of electricity trading
  • Save electricity costs and CO2 emissions through smart charging
  • Better utilization of local grid infrastructure – avoiding or postponing expensive upgrades of grid infrastructure
  • User friendly and intuitive for the EV-driver with simple configuration of different preferences

ChargeME™ is aligned with how electricity markets operate and provides a solution which integrates the electricity trader, charge point operator, the EV-user and the electric vehicle – all in one solution.

How does ChargeME™ work

ChargeME™ integrates information about user behaviour and preferences, charging infrastructure, electricity markets and the electric vehicle. Thereby it provides a comprehensive solution with the ability to centrally manage the charging of electric vehicles as a cloud based software-as-a-service.

Historical user behavior and preferences are aggregated into a portfolio view which express not only the high level charging need but also the associated and controllable flexibility. This data is then used to forecast a demand and flexibility forecast which can be used by electricity traders to optimize their power purchase.

The solution serves EV-users as part of an integrated offering for charge point operators or electromobility service providers. ChargeME™ works as a plug-in module, which can be integrated into the e-mobility back-end systems of charge point operator and electromobility service providers.

The system provides a framework for exposing key functionality through web-services and supports communication with charge points using the OCPP1.6 standard and to OEM back-end system using the eMIP standard.

The solution provides user interface exposing the aggregated portfolio view of all the EVs being managed as well as charge schedules for individual vehicles.

Key features

  • Fully developed data model describing customers, infrastructure typology, vehicles, electricity prices and tariffs, forecasts, charge plans, business rules and customer preferences
  • Optimization of vehicle charge plans according to customer preferences and physical infrastructure limitation (full typology)
  • Simulation engine for pre-validating: value generation for customers, system performance, business rules and system robustness
  • Web Service interface to Charge Point Operators based on OCPP 1.6 and to OEM-backend based on eMIP
  • Day-ahead portfolio optimizer (based on Linear Programming) for cost minimization
  • Day-ahead and intra-day demand and flexibility forecaster

See Our References

You can find our references on the References page.

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